3! Another Milestone

My little boy turns 3 months today! How time flies, yet also how it seems to crawl.

At times it seems he is growing so fast, attaining so many physical and social milestones at one time.

He pulls our heartstrings with his responsive stares and million and one funny faces.

The number of funny and silly faces this boy has is uncanny! :)

He has perfected the art of crying. So pathetic he'll break his grandmothers' hearts.

He's found his thumb...

and the 4 other little piggies which he takes to sleep with him.

He's realised he has saliva and it's fun to bubbles with!

His head is stronger, he's exploring the world beyond.

His legs are even stronger as he kicks himself off...

Even at night this boy exercises!
He watches tv and goos and coos.

He 'communicates' seeming to comprehend our moods and our silliness when we are around him.

His look changes everyday as he gains cheeks, a tummy and chubby thighs.

He plays his special "the flying game" only with mummy,

and his latest development!...scaring us with his flip from belly to back.

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