Sunday Lazy Nasi Padang

My nice hubby patiently arranged all the dishes neatly for me to take my necessary photo. In the end, I decided to post the photo he took instead. =)

My penchant for lazy Sunday nights-in usually kick into over-drive after lunch and even more so if the Friday and Saturday before had been packed with either errands or activities.

It's a pathetic defensive mechanism premised on my usual irrational thought process that gets me through life's occasional tediousness:

If we stay at home on Sundays, then hours appear longer.

If the hours appear longer, then the weekend becomes longer

If the weekend appears longer, Monday is not round the corner...

But I digress. I was craving rice and G was craving curry. So true to our indecisive tendencies - after an afternoon of back and forth - we finally decided to head down to Zion Road to packet G's old favourite Nasi Padang. I left most of the ordering to him because - shock, shock, horror, horror to him - I had never eaten there before. The only thing I wanted, was the Korma chicken and bergedil. G chose some curry vegetable, and his favourite squid and egg.

The chicken curry was fragrant with a strong coconut flavour and the drumstick was really soft. I realised this was the exact same curry mom used to bring home to add to our dinner. It strikes a prominent memory because it was the first time as a child I had heard of curry that was not spicy. My skepticism dissolved into epiphany that would remain etched in my recollections, finally unlocked 10 over years later.

The rest of the dishes the bergedil and curry vegetables the bergedil and curry vegetables was pretty normal. The egg, was quite good, true to G's recommendation, not as oily as the variations you get at most rice stalls. It tasted and resembled somewhat like tauhu telok - without the peanuts and the sauce and the accompany vegetables.

All in all, a good hearty meal. A tad expensive though. Our order came up to $40 for two persons! Albeit we bought 3 extra drumsticks and bergedil for B and L but I suppose there is always a premium to pay for published famous old-time food stalls.

Nasi Padang River Valley
54 Zion Road
Opening hours : 9am - 9pm
Closed on Public Holidays

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